Each MDT 2010 script automatically creates log files during its execution. The names of these log files match the name of the script—for example, ZTIGather.wsf creates a log file named ZTIGather.log. Each script also updates a common master log file (BDD.log) that aggregates the contents of the log files that MDT 2010 scripts create. MDT 2010 log files reside in C:\MININT\SMSOSD\OSDLOGS during the deployment process. Depending on the type of deployment being conducted, the log files are moved at the completion of the deployment to either %WINDIR%\SMSOSD or %WINDIR%\TEMP\SMSOSD. For Lite Touch Installation (LTI) deployments, the logs start in C:\MININT\SMSOSD\OSDLogs. They end up in %WINDIR%\TEMP\DeploymentLogs when task sequence execution is complete.
MDT 2010 creates the following log files:
BDD.log: This is the aggregated MDT 2010 log file that is copied to a network location at the end of the deployment if you specify the SLShare property in the Customsettings.ini file.
LiteTouch.log: This file is created during LTI deployments. It resides in %WINDIR%\TEMP\DeploymentLogs unless you specify the /debug:true option.
Scriptname.log: This file is created by each MDT 2010 script. Scriptname represents the name of the script in question.
SMSTS.log: This file is created by the Task Sequencer and describes all Task Sequencer transactions. Depending on the deployment scenario, it may reside in %TEMP%, %WINDIR%\System32\ccm\logs, or C:\_SMSTaskSequence, or C:\SMSTSLog.
Wizard.log: The deployment wizards create and update this file.
WPEinit.log: This file is created during the Windows PE initialization process and is useful for troubleshooting errors encountered while starting Windows PE.
DeploymentWorkbench_id.log: This log file is created in the %temp% folder when you specify a /debug when starting the Deployment Workbench.