Just like any other operating system, over time, a disk will become fragmented. Virtual machines are no different. The time that it takes for a disk to become fragmented depends on what data is being added to and removed from the virtual machine hard drive.
Why use MyDefrag instead of the standard Windows defragger?
- Much faster.
- Totally automatic, extremely easy to use.
- Optimized for daily use.
- Disk optimization, several strategies.
- Directories are placed together.
- Reclaims NTFS reserved areas after disk-full.
- Maintains free spaces for temporary files.
- Can defragment very full harddisks.
- Can defragment very large files.
- Can defragment individual directories and files.
- Can be run automatically with the Windows Scheduler.
- Can be used from the commandline.
- Can be used as a screen saver.
- Can be run from cdrom or memory stick.
- Script language, can be customized.
- Better voor VCB, VDR, DPM & Snapshots.
When you run MyDeFrag.exe with /verysilent it detect automatically the OS and then install x86 or x64 version from MyDefrag. It’s always installed at c:\program files. You can deploy it with MDT 2010 automatically when installing the OS. Or run it from a network share.
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