The Error that I get when I did a local move request to move a user to a another mailbox database.
The new user cannot send email & could not login to Outlook Web Access.
Failed to communicate with the mailbox database.
MapiExceptionLogonFailed: Unable to make connection to the server. (hr=0x80040111, ec=1010)
Diagnostic context:
Lid: 37053 Win32Error: 0x6A6
Lid: 23065 EcDoConnectEx called [length=48]
Lid: 17913 EcDoConnectEx returned [ec=0x0][length=48][latency=31]
Lid: 18969 EcDoRpcExt2 called [length=313]
Lid: 27161 EcDoRpcExt2 returned [ec=0x3F2][length=342][latency=46]
Lid: 41073 StoreEc: 0x3F2
Lid: 48243
Lid: 50033 StoreEc: 0x3F2
Lid: 1494 —- Remote Context Beg —-
Lid: 1238 Remote Context Overflow
Lid: 49213 StoreEc: 0x8004010F
Lid: 48573
Lid: 64957 StoreEc: 0x8004010F
Lid: 56253
Lid: 65085 StoreEc: 0x8004010F
Lid: 40381
Lid: 56765 StoreEc: 0x8004010F
Lid: 31229 Error: 0x0
Lid: 19149 Error: 0x0
Lid: 24509 Error: 0x0
Lid: 1219 StoreEc: 0x8004010F
Lid: 3225 StoreEc: 0x8004010F
Lid: 60049 StoreEc: 0x8004010F
Lid: 49469
Lid: 65341 StoreEc: 0x8004010F
Lid: 56125
Lid: 47933 StoreEc: 0x8004010F
Lid: 32829
Lid: 49213 StoreEc: 0x8004010F
Lid: 48573
Lid: 64957 StoreEc: 0x8004010F
Lid: 31229 Error: 0x0
Lid: 19149 Error: 0x0
Lid: 24509 Error: 0x0
Lid: 1219 StoreEc: 0x8004010F
Lid: 24041
Lid: 13488 StoreEc: 0x3F2
Lid: 28780
Lid: 20076 StoreEc: 0x3F2
Lid: 57713 StoreEc: 0x3F2
Lid: 49009 StoreEc: 0x3F2
Lid: 1750 —- Remote Context End —-
Lid: 52465 StoreEc: 0x3F2
Lid: 60065
Lid: 33777 StoreEc: 0x3F2
Lid: 59805
Lid: 52209 StoreEc: 0x3F2
Lid: 19778
Lid: 27970 StoreEc: 0x3F2
Lid: 17730
Lid: 25922 StoreEc: 0x3F2
Exchange Management Shell command attempted:
‘wardvissers.local/wardvissers/wardtest2’ | New-MoveRequest -TargetDatabase ‘MailStore II’
Elapsed Time: 00:00:01
I backup the AD with Windows Backup for sure.
Then I suspend and dismounted every mailbox database.
I opened ADSIEDIT.MSC to check the value of HomeMDB and homeMTA:
Go to:
CN=Configuration->CN=Services->CN=Microsoft Exchange->CN=wardvissers->CN=Administrative Groups->CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)->CN=Servers->CN=DAGEK10-01->CN=Microsoft System Attendant
The value by my mailbox server looks a bid strange:
HomeMDB: CN=InformationStore,CN=DAGEK10-02,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=wardvissers,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=wardvissers,DC=local
HomeMTA: CN=Microsoft MTA,CN=DAGEK10-01,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=wardvissers,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=wardvissers,DC=local
Clear the Value bij HomeMDB & HomeMTA like the picture below.
Clear the value by every mailbox server if you have a dag cluster
Restarted the Microsoft Exchange System Attendant Service on every mailbox server.
Mounted & Resuming the mailbox database. Now the users could login again in OWA .