All drivers are stored in the so called DriverStore, which is located under %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Windows\System32\DriverStore.
With the built-in command line tool pnputil you can add or remove drivers.
How does it work?
- Start an elevated command prompt (Start, type CMD, hit Ctrl+Shift+Enter)
- Adding a driver:
- Pnputil.exe -a c:\LOCATION_OF_DRIVER\DRIVER_NAME.inf
The location can be either local or remote - Pnputil.exe -a C:\LOCATION_OF_DRIVER\*.inf
Copy all drivers from that folder
- Pnputil.exe -a c:\LOCATION_OF_DRIVER\DRIVER_NAME.inf
- Deleting a driver:
- Pnputil.exe -d DRIVER_NAME.inf