ESXi Unattend Install on Dell BOSS controller

I had the opportunity to test a Dell vSAN node. I had a older unattend install esxi iso.
This installed the ESXi OS on the wrong disk.

I hate to type a very complex password twice.
So automation is the key.
I love de ks.cfg install option

Sow following the following guide did not the trik:

VMware ESXi Automated Install

This did not work:
install –overwritevmfs –firstdisk=”DELLBOSS VD”

After doing a manual install:
Afbeelding met tekst, schermopname

Automatisch gegenereerde beschrijving

What works:

# For Dell Boss Controller “Dell BOSS-N1″

install –overwritevmfs –firstdisk=”Dell BOSS-N1”

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