HPE Oneview Powershell Clear Alerts

You need: https://github.com/HewlettPackard/POSH-HPOneView/wiki

#Naam:              Oneview Clear Alarms
#Version:           0.1
#Author:            Ward Vissers


# Adding PowerCLI core snapin, also check if powerCLI module is alsready added

if (!(get-module -name HPOneView.400 -erroraction silentlycontinue)) {
import-module HPOneView.400 | out-null


$oneviewserver = “oneview.wardvissers.nl”
Connect-HPOVMgmt -Hostname $oneviewserver
Get-HPOVAlert | Set-HPOVAlert -Cleared
Get-HPOVAlert -State Active | Set-HPOVAlert -Cleared

PowerCLI Move All VM’s to other Host

################### Config ##################################

$SourceVC = “vcenter.wardvissers.nl

################## PASSWORD STORE #########################


# Check if credentials exist in credential store if not ask for credentials and put them in credential store


If ((Get-VICredentialStoreItem).host -notcontains $SourceVC) {New-VICredentialStoreItem -Host $SourceVC -User $env:USERNAME -Password ((get-credential).GetNetworkCredential().Password)}


# Remove-VICredentialStoreItem * -Confirm:$false


#################### END INIT ####################################


#Login to vCenter servers

if (($global:DefaultVIServers).Name -notcontains $SourceVC) {



$ConnectVC = Connect-VIServer $SourceVC


# Get-Cluster –Name $DestinationCluster –Server $DestinationVC | Get-VMhost -State Connected | Sort-Object -Property MemoryUsageGB | Select-Object -First 1


$ESXiHostSrc = “esx01.wardvissers.nl”

$ESXiHostDst = “esx02.wardvissers.nl”

$vmList = Get-VMHost $ESXiHostSrc | Get-VM

$vmList | move-vm -destination (get-vmhost $ESXiHostDst)


PowerCLI move Multiple VM’s to a VM Folder

$DestinationVC = “vcenter.wardvissers.nl”

Connect-VIServer $DestinationVC

#Optie 1

$vmfolder = “Applicatie Servers”

$tempvms = Get-VM | where {$_.Folder -match ‘vm’}

foreach ($tempvm in $tempvms){

$DestinationHost = Get-VM $tempvm | Get-VMhost

Move-VM -VM $tempvm -InventoryLocation $vmfolder -Destination $DestinationHost -ErrorAction Stop


#Optie 2

# Get-VM | where {$_.Folder -match ‘vm’} | Move-VM -InventoryLocation “Diverse Applicatie Servers”

Deploy Multi VM’s based on Windows Template

I love powershell. I created a little script to deploy multi VM based on a Windows Template throug CSV file.

It’s create a computer account at the specfified ou. He greates also a Domain Local Group for management. (It used in the customization not specified here)





#Filename: MultiVM.ps1

#Author: W. Vissers


#Version: 1.1

#Date: 08-05-2018


# V1.0 – Module Active Directory

#      – Module VMware PowerCli

#      – Active Directory Computer Account, Group

#      – Host Selected from Cluster with Least Memory

#      – Storage selection based on volume with most free space

# V1.1 – Added Harddisk 1&2

#      – Changed porte group other vlan




Script to create a virtual machine from template


Script to create a virtual machine from template




################################## INIT #################################################

# LoadModule Active Directory

if (!(Get-Module “activedirectory”)) {Import-module activedirectory}

Else {Write-Host “Module Active Directory is al ready loaded”}

# LoadModule VMware PowerCLI

# if (!(Get-Module “VMware.PowerCLI”)) {

#    Find-Module VMware.PowerCLI

#    Install-Module -Name VMware.PowerCLI -Scope CurrentUser



# {

# Write-Host “Module PowerCLI is al ready loaded”

# }




$folder=”Applicatie Servers”

$DestinationVC =”vcenter01.wardvissers.nl


if (!$username ) { $username = Read-Host “Give vCenter username ‘wardvissers\admin'”}


if ( -NOT $Password ) {

$PasswordSec = Read-Host “Give vCenter password” -AsSecureString

$Password = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($PasswordSec))


#Connect vCenter

$ConnectVC = Connect-VIServer $DestinationVC -Username $Username -Password $Password -AllLinked

$AllVMs = @()

$AllVMs = Import-Csv “D:\TempVMlist.csv”

foreach ($vm in $AllVMs) {

#Haal De Gegevens op










Write-Host “$server heeft $memory GB memory en $cpu cpu(‘s)”

if ($server.length -gt 15) {

Write-Output “Hostname cannot contain more than 15 characters.”

$server = Read-Host “Re-enter hostname for host $server”}



Write-Host “Server is umc server”

#Maak AD Groep aan en Computer Account

New-ADComputer -Name $server -Path $ouservers -Enabled $true

New-ADGroup -Name “DLG.$server” -SamAccountName “DLG.$server” -GroupCategory Security -GroupScope DomainLocal -DisplayName “DLG.$server” -Path $ougroup

Add-ADGroupMember -Identity “DLG.$server” -Members $group


# Rol server uit van Template

# Select the host with the less used memory

$DestinationHost = Get-Cluster –Name $DestinationCluster –Server $DestinationVC | Get-VMhost -State Connected | Sort-Object -Property MemoryUsageGB | Select-Object -First1

# Select DataStore with the most free space and not in maintance

$destinationDatastore = Get-Cluster $DestinationCluster | Get-Datastore | Where {$_.State -ne “Maintenance”} | Sort-Object -Property FreeSpaceGB -Descending | Select-Object -First 1

# Finally, I deploy my VM with the New-VM cmdlet using my template and OS specs. I place the VM on the ESXi host and store the VM on the datastore.

New-VM -Name $server -Template $VMTemplate -OSCustomizationSpec $OSSpec -VMHost $DestinationHOST -Datastore $DestinationDatastore -Location $folder

Get-VM $server | Set-VM -NumCpu $cpu -MemoryGB $memory -Confirm:$false

if ($harddisk1 -gt 60){Get-HardDisk -vm $server | Where {$_.Name -eq “Hard disk 1”} | Set-HardDisk -CapacityGB $harddisk1 -Confirm:$false}

if ($harddisk2 -gt 20) {Get-HardDisk -vm $server | Where {$_.Name -eq “Hard disk 2”} | Set-HardDisk -CapacityGB $harddisk2 -Confirm:$false}

Get-VM $server | Start-VM -Confirm:$false

Get-VM $Server | Get-NetworkAdapter | Set-NetworkAdapter -Connected $true -Confirm:$false


If you can‘t send an email with iOS 11 and an Outlook.com or Exchange mail account

You might not be able to send email with an Outlook.com, Office 365, or Exchange account until you update to iOS 11.0.1.

If your email account is hosted by Microsoft on Outlook.com or Office 365, or an Exchange Server 2016 running on Windows Server 2016, you might see this error message when you try to send an email with iOS 11: “Cannot Send Mail. The message was rejected by the server.”

To fix the issue, update to iOS 11.0.1 or later.

Critical vulnerability in HPE Integrated Lights-out 4 (iLO 4) 2.53 and previous versions

I wrote a script to do a simple ILO upgrade.

Download the latest firmware HERE

Download HPE Powershell module HERE

Find-HPiLO XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX-(Subnet Mask) | Where {$_.FWRI -lt 2.54 -AND $_.PN -like “*iLO 4*”} | Select -ExpandProperty HOSTNAME | Out-File c:\temp\ilo4.txt
$server = get-content c:\temp\ilo4.txt
$username = “Administrator”
$ilocreds = read-host “Please enter your password”
Update-HPiLOFirmware -Server $server -username $username -password $ilocreds  -Location X:\HP\ILO\ilo4_254.bin

Important update for Azure Active Directory Connect – Version 1.1.553.0

Microsoft released Azure Active Directory Connect version 1.1.553.0 on June 26, 2017. More importantly, they published an important security advisory one day later.

Microsoft Security Advisory 4033453 – Vulnerability in Azure AD Connect Could Allow Elevation of Privilege explains,

The [ADD Connect version 1.1.553.0] update addresses a vulnerability that could allow elevation of privilege if Azure AD Connect Password writeback is misconfigured during enablement. An attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could reset passwords and gain unauthorized access to arbitrary on-premises AD privileged user accounts. The issue is addressed in the latest version (1.1.553.0) of Azure AD Connect by not allowing arbitrary password reset to on-premises AD privileged user accounts.

Microsoft highly recommends all customers update to version 1.1.553.0 or later to mitigate this vulnerability, even if you don’t use the optional password writeback feature. If you are unable to update immediately, the article above describes mitigation steps you can consider.

  • If the AD DS account is a member of one or more on-premises AD privileged groups, consider removing the AD DS account from the groups.
  • If an on-premises AD administrator has previously created Control Access Rights on the adminSDHolder object for the AD DS account which permits Reset Password operation, consider removing it.
  • It may not always be possible to remove existing permissions granted to the AD DS account (for example, the AD DS account relies on the group membership for permissions required for other features such as Password synchronization or Exchange hybrid writeback). Consider creating a DENY ACE on the adminSDHolder object which disallows the AD DS account with Reset Password permission using Windows DSACLS tool.


Active Directory Synchronization (DirSync) Deprecation 4 April 2017

Active Directory Synchronization (DirSync) Deprecation

Status: Active

Action Required by: April 4, 2017

Details: We will be removing the Windows Azure Active Directory Synchronization feature from Office 365, beginning April 4, 2017. You are receiving this message because our reporting indicates your organization is using Windows Azure Active Directory Synchronization. When this change is implemented, administrators will no longer be able to synchronize their Active Directories. Instead of using Windows Azure Active Directory Synchronization, use Azure Active Directory Connect.

Message Center: MC45036 – We are removing Windows Azure Active Directory Synchronization from Office 365

Posted: April 13, 2016

Additional Information: Upgrade Windows Azure Active Directory Sync (“DirSync”) and Azure Active Directory Sync (“Azure AD Sync”)

Exchange Online RPC over HTTP Deprecation(Outlook 2007) October 31 2017

Status: Active

Action Required by: October 31, 2017 at 5:59 PM UTC

Details: On October 31st, 2017, Exchange Online mailboxes in Office 365 will require connections from Outlook for Windows use MAPI over HTTP, our new method of connectivity and transport between Outlook for Windows and Exchange. In May of 2014, Microsoft introduced MAPI over HTTP as a replacement for RPC over HTTP. RPC over HTTP was a legacy connection protocol that is being deprecated from Exchange Online. Beginning October 31, 2017, Outlook for Windows clients using RPC over HTTP will be unable to access their Exchange Online mailbox. The necessary action depends on the version of Outlook in use in your organization. If you are using Outlook 2007 or earlier, you need to upgrade. Outlook 2007 does not contain support for the MAPI/HTTP protocol. We encourage you to update to the Office 365 ProPlus subscription, or access Outlook via the web browser (which is included in your current subscription plan). Outlook 2010-2016 customers will need to ensure their version of Outlook for Windows is set up to support MAPI/HTTP. At a minimum, you should ensure you have installed the December 2015 update. Lastly, ensure your Outlook clients are not using a registry key to block MAPI/HTTP.

Message Center: MC85988 – Potential service disruption for Outlook for Windows users

Posted: November 16, 2016

Additional Information: KB3201590: RPC over HTTP deprecated in Office 365 on October 31, 2017

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