1. Mount the iso file or extract the iso
2. start the “\Windows\system32\lpksetup.exe” from the command line
3. choose install display languages
4. choose Browse computer or network
5. Enter the drive letter of the just mounted iso or select via the ‘Browse’ button
6. Select the Language and install Enjoy
Category: Microsoft
Upgrading the ADMX files to Windows 8 & 2012
When you want to use a new OS in your domain you need to upgrade de ADMX files. The easy way to get all the possible ADMX/ADML files for a particular OS without having to install all the roles/features is to simply copy them out of the winsxs directory (replace en-US in the commands below if your OS is installed in a language other than English). Here is a sample set of commands which can do this for you. You’d need to run this on both a Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 computers to capture all possible admx/adml files.
cd /d %windir%\winsxs
dir *.admx /s /b > %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\admx.txt
dir *.adml /s /b | find /i “en-us” > %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\adml_en-us.txt
mkdir %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\PolicyDefinitions
mkdir %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\PolicyDefinitions\en-US
FOR /F %i IN (%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\admx.txt) DO copy %i %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\PolicyDefinitions\
FOR /F %i IN (%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\adml_en-us.txt) DO copy %i %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\PolicyDefinitions\en-US\
Source: Upgrading the ADMX Central Store files from Windows 7/2008R2 to Windows 8/2012
Windows 8 en Server 2012 KMS Service Activation
For Licensing Server 2012 and Windows 8 on a Windows 2008 R2 server you need to update the KMS Service.
Install the following update: An update is available for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 KMS hosts to support Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 as described in KB2691586.
If you don’t install this hotfix registering a Windows Server 2012 KMS will throw an Error: 0xC004F050 The Software Licensing Service reported that the product key is invalid
So request the hotfix and install it. Just follow the instructions and you’ll be fine
We can start putting our brand new KMS key into action.
Uninstall the current KMS key using slmgr.vbs /upk
Now you can install the new KMS key. The key listed here is obviously a demo one If you run in to any issues here, restarting the KMS Service can help. Try that first.
Now activate your brandnew KMS key running slmgr.vbs /ato
We run slmgr.vbs /dlv again and as you can see now we can activate all our Windows 2012 servers and Windows 8 computers
Windows 8 Server PosterPedia
There is a new cool Windows 8 app: Server PosterPedia.
In the app are various Microsoft posters which architecture and features are explained. Totally cool on a touch device where you can quickly zoom in and then you can slide back and forth on the poster.
Very Nice: Download: http://apps.microsoft.com/webpdp/en-US/app/server-posterpedia/f988071c-66dc-4281-8028-637ac0f09061
578:0x000004DC:0x0000001D Send-As permission with Outlook 2010 Exchange 2007
578:0x000004DC:0x0000001D Send-As permission with Outlook 2010 Exchange 2007
You are not allowed to send this message because you are trying to send on behalf of another sender without permission to do so. Please verify that you are sending on behalf of the correct sender, or ask your system administrator to help you get the required permission.
Diagnostic information for administrators:
Generating server:
#MSEXCH:MSExchangeIS:/DC=com/DC=mydomain:SERVERNAME[578:0x000004DC:0x0000001D] #SMTP
1.Close Outlook
2.Delete the offline address book folders in
Windows 7: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook\Offline Address Books
Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook\Offline Address Books
3.Open Outlook and let it download a new copy of the offline address book.
3.1 Send/Receive Tab
3.2. Send/Reveive Groups
3.3 Download Address Book
3.4 Choose Full Details and \Global Address List
Group Policy Settings Reference for Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012
These spreadsheets list the policy settings for computer and user configurations that are included in the Administrative template files delivered with the Windows operating systems specified. You can configure these policy settings when you edit Group Policy Objects.
You can use the filtering capabilities that are included in this spreadsheet to view a specific subset of data, based on one value or a combination of values that are available in one or more of the columns. In addition, you can click Custom in the drop-down list of any of the column headings to add additional filtering criteria within that column.
To view a specific subset of data, click the drop-down arrow in the column heading of cells that contain the value or combination of values on which you want to filter, and then click the desired value in the drop-down list. For example, to view policy settings that are available for Windows Server 2012 or Windows 8, in the Administrative Template worksheet, click the drop-down arrow next to Supported On, and then click At least Microsoft Windows Server 2012 or Windows 8.
What’s New?
The Administrative Template spreadsheet contains three columns that provide more information about each policy setting’s behavior related to reboots, logoffs, and schema extensions. These columns are the following:
- Reboot Required: A “Yes” in this column means that the Windows operating systems requires a restart before it applies the described policy setting.
- Logoff Required: A “Yes” in this column means that the Windows operating system requires the user to log off and log on again before it applies the described policy setting.
- Active Directory Schema or Domain Requirements: A “Yes” in this column means that you must extend the Active Directory schema before you can deploy this policy setting.
- Status: A “New” in this column means that the setting did not exist prior to Windows Server 2012 and Windows 8. It does not mean that the setting applies only to Windows Server 2012 and Windows 8. Refer to the column entitled “supported on” to determine to which operating system the policy setting applies.
Group Policy Settings Reference for Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012
Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK) and vSphere 4 does not work together
When you using vSphere 4 and and using MDT 2012 update1 with Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit you run in de following error. Same thing wil also with Workstation 8.
Solution 1: Do not install Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit on your MDT Server. You can still using MDT 2012 Update 1 with waik 3.5 if not deploying Windows 8 or Windows 2012 right now.
Solution 2: Upgrading you vSphere server to the latest version (5.1) or Upgrade Workstation to latest version (Version 9).
Troubleshooting Windows Deployments
Michael Niehaus created a troubleshooting guide about MDT
Check out: Troubleshooting Windows Deployments 2012-09-11.pdf
Copying $OEM$ files and folders with MDT 2012 Update 1
MDT 2012 Update 1 no longer uses SETUP.EXE to install Windows 7 and above. One side effect of this is that $OEM$ folders are no longer going to be copied, since that was something that SETUP.EXE did that the MDT LTIApply.wsf script doesn’t handle.
I’ve never been a big fan of using the $OEM$ folder structure, as it’s just as easy to add explicit XCOPY steps into the task sequence. But for those of you out there that are using them, you can leverage the attached script (CopyOEM.zip) in your task sequence to do that.
To set this up, first copy the script into your deployment share. Then, add a new step to the task sequence right after the “Install Operating System” step to run the script. It should look like this:
Now, it will follow the original MDT logic for locating the appropriate $OEM$ folder to use, checking in this order:
- %DeployRoot%\Control\%TaskSequenceID%\$OEM$
- %SourcePath%\$OEM$
- %DeployRoot%\%Architecture%\$OEM$
- %DeployRoot%\$OEM$
where %DeployRoot% is the path to the deployment share, %TaskSequenceID% is the ID of the running task sequence (e.g. WIN8), %SourcePath% is the path within the deployment share for the operating system being used, and %Architecture% is either X86 or X64, depending on the boot image being used.
Once it finds a folder, it will look for two folders in that $OEM$ folder and copy them to the appropriate place for the new OS:
- $1 will be copied to the root of the volume that the new OS image was applied to.
- $$ will be copied to the Windows folder on the volume that the new OS image was applied to.
The script doesn’t deal with any other folders because it’s too messy to do that from within Windows PE – drive letters aren’t the same as what they would end up being in the full OS
Download: CopyOEM.zip
Source: Copying $OEM$ files and folders with MDT 2012 Update 1
MDT Displaying the task sequence name
When you configure MDT you could specify an organization name To specify these, you can configure them in CustomSettings.ini:
_SMSTSPackageName=My Package Name
That’s great if you want to hard-code the values, but what I wanted was that _SMSTSPackageName is set to the name of the task sequence that is being executed. That’s a little harder to do, because the task sequence hasn’t yet been selected when CustomSettings.ini is being processed, and you can’t set these read-only variables once the task sequence has started.
So this is one of those cases where you have to modify one of the MDT scripts, in this case LiteTouch.wsf. Fortunately, it’s a really trivial change. Look for this line:
oEnvironment.Item("_SMSTSPackageName") = "Lite Touch Installation"
And change it like so:
oEnvironment.Item("_SMSTSPackageName") = oEnvironment.Item("TaskSequenceName")
That line is only executed if _SMSTSPackageName is blank after CustomSettings.ini has been processed, so it won’t have any effect if you manually configured a value in CustomSettings.ini.
With that change, you can now see the name of the currently-running task sequence:
You can download the file here: LiteTouch.7z (Tested with MDT 2012 Update 1)