DPM 2010 Fix: Disk based recovery points are not deleted as per retention goals

When using System Center Data Protection Manager 2007 or 2010 (DPM) to backup your production servers, you might encounter a situation where the recovery point volumes for your protected data source keep running out of space and the number of days that DPM has recovery points for exceeds the desired retention range. If you run vssadmin list shadows, or run diskshadow.exe followed by list shadows all command, you can see that there are more shadow copies than there should be based on the desired retention goal. Also, if you manually run the DPM Power Shell pruneshadowcopies2010.ps1 script, no recovery points are removed, but there are no errors.

So what’s going on here? Most likely this is happening because the NetBIOS name of the DPM server is longer than 15 characters.


To resolve the problem perform the following to truncate the name to the 15 character limit.

1) Using notepad, open C:\Program Files\Microsoft DPM\DPM\bin\pruneshadowcopiesDpm2010.ps1 (For DPM2010) or pruneshadowcopies.ps1 (For DPM 2007).

2) Locate the following entry:

$dpmservername = &"hostname"

3) Replace the &"hostname" with the truncated 15 character NetBIOS name of the DPM server. For example, if the DPM Server’s host name is "Long-DPM-server-name" then modify the entry as follows:

$dpmservername = "ward-dpm01.wardvissers.local"

4) Save the modified script.

5) Either run the script manually, or wait for it to run at midnight – then verify the shadow copies are being pruned as expected.

Now I have nice Green Protection Groups

Special Thanks to J.C. Hornbeck

Paar handige DPM 2007 Linkjes

DPM 2007 Troubleshooting Guide


DPM 2007 Error Code Catalogus


DPM 2007 Agent installatie errors


Handmatig installatie DPM 2007 Client

DPM is een nieuw product van Microsoft. Aangezien de laatste tijd veel nieuws hoor leek het me verstandig hier een test server voor in te richten.

DPM client kan via verschillende manieren uitgerold worden. Via Group Policy, DPM Management Console of hand matig.

Hier onder de manier als je de Client handmatig wilt installeren.

1. Op de CD zoek de agents map op. (Gebruik de AMD64 voor 64 Bits Machines)

2. run DpmAgentInstaller.exe /q .
De client agent is geinstalleerd wel moet de firewall voor aangepast worden.

3. Ga naar uitvoeren en type het volgende :Program FilesMicrosoft Data Protection Managerbin SetDpmServer.exe – dpmServerName .

4. Om de DPM client met de DPM server laten communiceren moet nog het volgende gedaan op de DPM server. Op de DPM Server open de DPM Management Shell en type Attach-ProductionServer.ps1 .

Installatie (DPM 2007 SP1) System Center Data Protector Manager SP1 op Windows 2008 x64.

1. Vanaf een administrator command prompt voer het volgende uit: start /wait ocsetup.exe SIS-Limited /quiet /norestart.

2. Herstart de PC.

3. dpm1

4. dpm2

5. dpm3

6. dpm4

7. dpm5

8. dpm6

9. dpm7

10. dpm8

11. dpm9

12. dpm10

13. dpm11

14. dpm12

15. dpm13

16. Na de installatie is het kwestie van de PC her starten en kun je DPM gaan configureren

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