Windows Anti-Virus Exclusion List


One place on the web where you can find an updated list of ALL the AV exclusions you might want to configure for Windows Server.

Enterprise Configuration Recommendations:


  • KB822158 Virus scanning recommendations for Enterprise computers that are running currently supported versions of Windows

Windows / Active Directory:


Forefront: Considerations when using antivirus software on FF Edge Products






Config Manager 2007:






Windows Update:



System Center:

Data Protection Manager:



ActiveSync Random Password Prompts Fixed

Some users were getting random prompts for passwords in ActiveSync on Windows Mobile 6.1 & 6.5 en Windows Phone 7.  Environment: Exchange 2007, and TMG and Kemp Load balancers, but this problem showed up months after changing ISA 2006 to TMG.  It seemed random.  The error on ActiveSync was the generic:

please log in access was denied 0×85010002

In the TMG Monitoring you would see a denied connection on your ActiveSync rule with this status:

12239 The server requires authorization to fulfill the request. Access to the Web server is denied. Contact the server administrator.

I tested with Windows Mobile Emulator from outside the firewall and was able to reproduce the error within hours (just letting it sit there).

I first thought this was the HTTP session timeout that changed with the Kemp Loadbalancers.

I poked around the web listener settings some more and noticed the timeout settings for forms authentication were set (this same web listener was used for OWA).  TMG is supposed to be smart enough to not apply any of the forms auth settings to clients that don’t support it (falling back to basic auth as with ActiveSync).

The forms auth timeout was indeed affecting ActiveSync. To find it, look for the web listener of your ActiveSync rule, go to properties>Forms tab>Advanced> and make sure “apply session timeout to non-browser clients” is unchecked.

ISA Web Listener Advanced Form Options

Exchange 2010 Public Folder Database requirement

Current Status: Issue with mitigation

Unlike Outlook 2007 and 2010, Outlook 2003 clients rely on public folders. If a public folder database doesn’t exist, Outlook 2003 users will be blocked from connecting to their Exchange 2010 mailbox and receive the error message shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8:
Error message when an Outlook 2003 user connects to an Exchange 2010 mailbox

There are several reasons why a public folder database is required for Outlook 2003 client. First, Outlook 2003 in cached mode uses the “OFFLINE ADDRESS BOOK” system folder to download the offline address book (OAB) and the “SCHEDULE+ FREE BUSY” to retrieve and update free/busy information.

Figure 9:
Offline Address Book and Schedule+ Free Busy system folders

Second, if you’re installing Exchange 2010 into an existing Exchange organization running Exchange 2007, it’s important you add the Exchange 2010 public folder database to the replica list of the “SCHEDULE+ FREE BUSY” folder. If this step isn’t completed, users who use Outlook 2003 cannot publish their free/busy data in Exchange Server 2010. Instead hash marks appear in the free/busy data for these users. More information as well as the steps that can be used to remediate this issue can be found in the following KB article:

Special Thanks to Henrik Walther

Concern: Is having Outlook 2003 clients going to prevent me from deploying Exchange 2010

OVERALL STATUS: No, having Oulook 2003 clients is not a deployment blocker. However, you need to understand the following sections and make configuration changes as applicable.

Back since November 9th, 2009 where Exchange Server 2010 released to manufacturing (RTM), there have been a growing concern around whether enterprises are prevented from upgrading or migrating their current Exchange 2003 or Exchange 2007 based messaging infrastructure to Exchange 2010, if Outlook 2003 clients is used within the organization.

But in  this article includes are a few additional concerns about Exchange 2010 and Outlook 2003

Exchange 2010 lack support for UDP Notifications

Exchange 2010 Exchange Server name appears as Instance – <GUID>

Exchange 2010 & Outlook 2003 Offline Address Book (OAB)

Exchange 2010 RPC over HTTP Connectivity

Exchange 2010 Opening multiple shared calendars & additional mailboxes

Exchange 2010 RPC Encryption Requirement

Exchange 2010 Public Folder Database requirement

exchange 2010

Special Thanks to Henrik Walther

Exchange 2010 Opening multiple shared calendars & additional mailboxes

Current Status: Issue with mitigation

Exchange 2010 SP1 together with the resolutions mentioned later in this section, allows you to open as many as 16 shared calendars or additional mailboxes simultaneously independent on whether the mailboxes are located on Exchange 2003, 2007, or 2010. If you have more than 16 calendars or additional mailboxes opened, you may randomly see error message similar to the one shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4:
Error message when opening more than 16 calendars

With Exchange Server 2010 RTM deployed into an Exchange 2003 or Exchange 2007 organization, it was a common issue that when an Exchange 2003 or Exchange 2007 user tried to open more than two additional Exchange 2010 mailboxes or shared calendars using Outlook 2003, she would receive one of the following error messages:

  • The set of folders could not be opened
  • The information store could not be opened
  • Unable to display the folder. The information store could not be opened

When an Exchange 2007 user tried to send an e-mail using Outlook 2003, she would sometimes also receive the following error message:

  • Task ‘Microsoft Exchange Server – Sending’ reported error (0x800C8100): ‘Unknown Error 0x800c8100’

These issues were resolved with Update Rollup 2 for Exchange 2007 Service Pack 2 and a hotfix that were released for Exchange 2003 SP2. More information about the issues and how they are resolved can be found in the following KB articles:

    Although the above mentioned issues were resolved, some customers, partners, and individuals in the Exchange communities reported they still experienced issues when trying to open approximately multiple shared calendars and/or additional mailboxes using Outlook 2003.

    For most organizations, the issue can be remediated by installing Exchange 2010 SP1 as this service pack includes a fix that makes it possible for an Exchange 2003, 2007, or 2010 user to open as many as approximately 16 shared calendars or additional mailboxes using Outlook 2003.

    Figure 5:
    By default approximately 16 Calendars can be opened using Outlook 2003

    If you have users that needs to open more than 16 shared calendars or additional mailboxes using Outlook 2003, you can adjust the RPC related throttling policy settings using the Set-ThrottlingPolicy cmdlet. Specifically, you need to increase the value for “RCAMaxConcurrency” which by default is set to “20”. The RCAMaxConcurrency parameter indicates how many concurrent connections an RPC Client Access user can have against a server running Exchange 2010 at one time.

    Figure 6:
    Default setting for the RCAMaxConcurrency throttling policy value

    For instance, to increase the value of the “RCAMaxConcurrency” setting in the default throttling policy from 20 to 2147483647, open the Exchange Management Shell and run the following command to first create a variable for the policy:

    $a = Get-ThrottlingPolicy | where-object {$_.IsDefault -eq $true}

    Then pipe the variable to the Set-ThrottlingPolicy commandlet:

    $a | Set-ThrottlingPolicy -RCAMaxConcurrency 2147483647

    Figure 7:
    Increasing the value for the RCAMaxConcurrency throttling policy setting

    In order to apply the changes, restart the “Microsoft Exchange Throttling” service on each CAS server in the organization.

    You can read more about Exchange 2010 SP1 throttling policies in the Exchange 2010 documentation on Microsoft TechNet.

    If you still have issues opening shared calendars or additional mailboxes, you may want to increase the value of the RCAMaxConcurrency throttling policy setting to 100 or even higher. Read more in Error message when Outlook 2003 clients try to open multiple shared calendars in Exchange Server 2010: "The connection to the Microsoft Exchange server in unavailable. Outlook must be online or connected to complete this action".

    If you see event 4696 with a description similar to the following logged in the application log on the Mailbox servers in the organization:

    "Mapi session "00cc8dde-64d7-4353-8050-00fc2057aae3: /O=xxxx/OU=xxxx/cn=Recipients/cn=ward" exceeded the maximum of 32 objects of type "session"."

    You need to increase the maximum allowed sessions per user and/or maximum allowed service sessions per user limit from "32" to "64" or even higher. See more information at: Exchange 2010 SP1 Store Limits.

    but when I tried to add the “szMaxAllowedSessionsPerUser and/or “szMaxAllowedServiceSessionsPerUser”, I still saw 9646 in the app log.

    Guess why? yes the registry keys are actually listed with wrong names in that article. Instead of:

    • szMaxAllowedSessionsPerUser
    • szMaxAllowedServiceSessionsPerUser

    You need to use:

    • Maximum Allowed Sessions Per User
    • Maximum Allowed Service Sessions Per User

    And then everything worked as expected…

    Hopefully the TechNet page is updated soon.

    Special Thanks to Henrik Walther

    Service Pack 1 for Windows Server 2008 R2 en Exchange

    The following versions of Exchange are supported to run on Windows 2008 R2 SP1 (the RTM version of SP1):

    • Exchange 2010 SP1
    • Exchange 2010 RTM
    • Exchange 2007 SP3

    Please note that Exchange 2007 was not supported to run on Windows 2008 R2 at all before Exchange 2007 SP3 release.

    Windows 2008 R2 SP1 includes the hotfixes required to install Exchange 2010 SP1 (listed in Exchange 2010 SP1 FAQ and Known Issues — 979744, 983440, 979099, 982867 and 977020). If you’re installing Exchange 2010 SP1 on a server running Windows 2008 R2 SP1, you don’t need to install these hotfixes separately Smile

    How to demote a Exchange 2007 CCR Cluster with Load balanced CAS/HUB Servers

    I used the following steps to do this.

    1. All public folders and system folders that are housed on the Exchange 2007 CCR Cluster computer must be replicated to another Exchange 2007/2010 computer that is in the site.

    2. Verify the contents of the public folder store with the following Powershell commands
    Get-PublicFolderStatistics -server <Exchange 2007_Server_Name> | fl | out-file d:\PFstat.txt

    Get-PublicFolder -server < Exchange 2007_Server_Name > \ -recurse | fl | out-file d:\PFIPMSub.txt

    Get-PublicFolder -server < Exchange 2007_Server_Name > \non_ipm_subtree -recurse | fl | out-file d:\PFNonIPMSub.txt.

    3. Remove the replicas from the public folder store

    MoveAllReplicas.ps1 -Server ccrclustername –NewServer newservername

    4. Remove the public folder store

    Remove–PublicFolderDatabase –Identity "Public_Folder_Store_Name"

    5. Change the server that is responsible for generating the Offline Address Lists

    Move-OfflineAddressBook –Identity OfflineAddressBookIdParameter -Server ServerIdParameter

    6. Move the Routing Group Connectors by using the following command:

    Get-RoutingGroupConnector | where {$_.SourceTransportServers -like "<First Exchange 2007 server>"} | Set-RoutingGroupConnector -SourceTransportServers "<Second Exchange 2007 server>"
    Get-RoutingGroupConnector | where {$_.TargetTransportServers -like "<First Exchange 2007 server>"} | Set-RoutingGroupConnector -TargetTransportServers <Second Exchange 2007 server>

    7. To modify any Send connectors that have the first Exchange 2007 server as the source transport server, run the following commands:

    Get-SendConnector | where {$_.SourceTransportServers -like "<First Exchange 2007 server>"} | Set-SendConnector -SourceTransportServers "<Second Exchange 2007 server>"

    How to use the Exchange Server SP1 2007 Setup wizard to remove Exchange 2007

    1. Log on to the server from which you want to remove Exchange 2007.

    2. Open Control Panel, and then double-click Programs and Features.

    3. In Programs and Features, select Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, and then click Uninstall.

      If you click Change instead of Uninstall, you can add server roles, but you cannot remove server roles.

    4. In the Exchange Server 2007 SP1 Setup wizard, on the Exchange Maintenance Mode page, click Next.

    5. On the Server Role Selection page, clear all the server role check boxes, clear the Management Tools check box, and then click Next.

      By default, all server roles are selected. This indicates that no server roles will be removed. To remove a server role, you must clear the appropriate check box.

    6. On the Readiness Checks page, after the check completes, click Uninstall.

    7. On the Completion page, click Finish.

    8. (Optional) If you are removing Exchange from a Mailbox server, remove the Exchange database files (*.edb) and storage group log files (*.log).

      If you reinstall the Mailbox server role on this server, you must first remove the database and log files from the server.

    9. (Optional) Remove the setup log files that are located at %systemdrive%\ExchangeSetupLogs.

    10. (Optional) Remove the following virtual servers that are created for Exchange 2007 under the Default Web Site in IIS:

      • Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync
      • OAB
      • Owa

      When you remove Exchange 2007, neither IIS nor these virtual servers are removed

    9.  First Remove the Passive Mailbox Node

    10. Second the Primary Mailbox Role

    11. Remove the CAS/HUB’s Role on the nodes
    Important: NOT AT THE SAME TIME

    12. Demote the Cluster

    13. Demote the NLB Cluster

    14. Remove the Servers from the domain

    15. Shutdown the Servers

    16. Take a cold bier when you are don with testing and everything works Winking smile

    Rollup 2 for Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 1

    Today the Exchange Team released Rollup 2 for Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 1 (KB2425179). This update raises Exchange 2010 version number to

    If your upgrading from Exchange 2007 you need to implement this rollup because the bug Exchange 2007 OWA redirect bug with Exchange 2010 sp1 is fixed check: kb2458419

    The List with Fixes:

    983186 The mailbox alias of a user contains the "?" character unexpectedly after you run the "Enable-Mailbox" cmdlet to create a mailbox for the user in an Exchange Server 2010 environment

    2295902 An excepted occurrence is not excluded from a recurring iCalendar message for an Exchange Server 2010 mailbox user

    2385017 You cannot edit public folder items even though you are the owner of the items in an Exchange Server 2010 environment

    2385194 You cannot connect to an Exchange Server 2010 mailbox by using a MAPI application when a Mailbox server and a Client Access server are installed on different computers

    2397171 You cannot reply or forward a large email message on an Exchange Server 2010 mailbox

    2403783 An incorrect label is displayed in the date field in a public folder item when you open the item by using OWA in an Exchange Server 2010 environment

    2408924 The subject of an item is deleted when you use the "UploadItems" operation together with the "Update" action or the "UpdateOrCreate" action in an Exchange Server 2010 environment

    2409597 You cannot open a public folder item when the default public folder database for the mailbox database is unavailable in an Exchange Server 2010 environment

    2423776 The Exchange Information Store service crashes frequently during a public folder replication process on an Exchange Server 2010 public folder

    2431500 You cannot connect to an Exchange Server 2010 mailbox simultaneously by using Outlook Anywhere from several Windows XP-based computers

    2433642 The "FETCH (BODYSTRUCTURE)" command returns a corrupted file name of an email message attachment on an Exchange Server 2010 computer

    2452075 You cannot connect to mailboxes in a recovery database on a server after you install Exchange Server 2010 SP1

    2458005  The Exchange Mailbox Replication service crashes when you use the "New-MailboxImportRequest" command to import a PST file to an Exchange Server 2010 mailbox

    2458419 "A temporary change has occurred that requires you to connect to a different server" error message when Exchange Server 2007 mailbox users try to access their mailboxes by using an Exchange Server 2010 Client Access server

    2322161 The replay queue length on passive copies of mailbox databases in Database Availability Group continues to increase in an Exchange Server 2010 environment

    982004 Exchange Server 2010 users cannot access the public folder

    983492 You cannot view updated content of an Exchange Server 2010 public folder

    983549 Exchange Server 2010 removes the sender’s email address from the recipient list in a redirected email message

    Download the Hotfix HERE

    Rollup 2 for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 3

    Today the Exchange Team released Rollup 2 for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 3 KB2407025. This update raises Exchange 2007 version number to

    The List with fixes:
    972186 Some functions do not work if you install Security Configuration Wizard on a Windows Server 2008 SP2-based Exchange Server 2007

    979046 Attachments are empty when you save them by using OWA after you have applied the update of KB 958881 on an Exchange Server 2007

    980038 The Microsoft Exchange System Attendant service crashes intermittently in the Oabgen.dll module on an Exchange Server 2007 server

    981602 Event ID: 4999 is frequently generated in a mixed Exchange Server 2007 and Exchange Server 2003 environment

    982476 The Imap4.exe process crashes intermittently on an Exchange Server 2007 server

    982478 Notes URL links in a plain text message are not clickable when you open this message by using OWA in an Exchange Server 2007 environment

    2028675 The MSExchangeFDS.exe process occupies lots of memory if there are thousands of OABs created on an Exchange Server 2007 server

    2029086 Some characters of an email message are displayed in an incorrect text size when you access your mailbox by using OWA in Exchange Server 2007

    2032216 The Microsoft Exchange Information Store service crashes on an Exchange Server 2007 server when you start it or try to mount certain databases

    2121536 Exchange Server 2007 cannot index a message

    2201236 The "All Day" field is marked with "No" when you access a meeting request that has a duration time that is more than 24 hours by using a mobile client through ActiveSync in an Exchange Server 2007 environment

    2203212 Certain mailboxes cannot be moved from an Exchange Server 2007 server to an Exchange Server 2010 server

    2210042 A sub contact folder is still visible after you set the "PR_ATTR_HIDDEN" attribute to "True" in an Exchange Server 2007 environment

    2230824 The Microsoft.Exchange.POP3.exe process or the Microsoft.Exchange.Imap4.exe process may crash after you enable protocol logging for POP3 or IMAP4 on an Exchange Server 2007 server

    2249814 You receive misleading information when you run the "New-TestCasConnectivityUser.ps1" script on an Exchange Server 2007 server

    2263342 "The operation failed" error message in Outlook client when a user sends a recurring meeting request with an email message attachment in an Exchange Server 2007 SP2 environment

    2276439 ( ) The Microsoft.Exchange.IMAP4.exe process crashes when an IMAP4 client retrieves a meeting request that includes exception attachments in an Exchange Server 2007 environment

    2280234 "Your POP3 server has not responded in 60 seconds." error message when a POP3 client connects to an Exchange Server 2007 Client Access server to access an Exchange Server 2003 mailbox

    2282570 "550 5.1.3" NDR message when an Exchange Server 2007 user sends an email message to a recipient

    2265306 The Exchange Information Store service stops responding when you perform a search operation on an Exchange Server 2007 mailbox in Outlook

    2282746 The "Private" sensitivity status of an occurrence of a recurring meeting request is lost when you edit the occurrence in OWA in an Exchange Server 2007 environment

    2286782 The response details are still included in the response email message when you set the "EnableResponseDetails" property to "False" in an Exchange Server 2007 environment

    2290105 A shared document cannot be open by using OWA after you install Exchange Server 2007 SP3 on an Exchange Server 2007 server

    2290159 The POP3 service crashes on an Exchange Server 2007 server

    2344372  You cannot move mailboxes to an Exchange Server 2007 server

    2362371 You receive a "Success" response when using the Test-Mailflow command on an invalid or nonexistent external email address in an Exchange Server 2007 environment

    2384754 "Unable to identify local server row in Replication state table for this FID" error message when you run the Information Store Integrity Checker tool on an Exchange Server 2007 server

    2387915 The ESEBack component does not support ETL tracing on an Exchange Server 2007 server

    2388057 The Exchange Transport service crashes on Exchange Server 2007 servers in a mixed Exchange Server 2007 and Exchange Server 2010 environment

    2394731 An HTML attachment of a shared mailbox cannot be saved when you set the "BypassOwaHTMLAttachmentFiltering" setting to "True" in an Exchange Server 2007 environment

    2424499 Exchange Server 2007 does not support to assign a mailbox with the "Send on behalf" permission of a security group in the EMC or in the EMS

    2427297 The created time and the modified time of an attachment are incorrect when you save an email message on an Exchange Server 2007 mailbox

    2430674 The "Leave message intact" method in a Folder Assistant rule does not work when you post an item by using OWA in an Exchange Server 2007 environment

    Download the hotfix HERE

    After installing Rollup 1 for Exchange 2007 SP3 IMAP is now serving most text/plain parts as text/html

    After installing Rollup 1 for Exchange 2007 SP3 IMAP is now serving most text/plain parts as text/html instead. I had some issue with a simple mail import tool that now imported all mail with html codes.

    Before the rollup 1 they were previously multipart/alternative messages with both text/plain and text/html subparts.

    You can set in through in the GUI or using Powershell to set the value to 0 text only

    0:Text Only
    1:HTML Only
    2:HTML and Alternative Text
    3:Enriched Text Only
    4:Enriched Text and Alternative Text
    5:Best Body Format

    Exchange Management Console:

    1. In the console tree, expand Server Configuration, and then click Client Access.

    2. In the work pane, click the POP3 and IMAP4 tab.

    3. In the work pane, select IMAP4 and then, in the result pane, click Properties.

    4. On the IMAP4 Properties page, click the Retrieval Settings tab.

    5. In the Message Retrieval pane, select a message format from the drop-down list under Message MIME format. I choies for 0

    6. Click Apply, and then click OK to save your changes.


    Set-CASMailbox -Identity yourcasserverhere -PopMessagesRetrievalMimeFormat 0

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