IIS Crypto the best tool to configure SSL/TLS cipher suites

IIS Crypto is a free tool that gives administrators the ability to enable or disable protocols, ciphers, hashes and key exchange algorithms on Windows Server 2008, 2012 and 2016. It also lets you reorder SSL/TLS cipher suites offered by IIS, implement best practices with a single click, create custom templates and test your website.


– Single click to secure your website using best practices
– Create custom templates that can be saved and run on multiple servers
– Stop DROWN, logjam, FREAK, POODLE and BEAST attacks
– Disable weak protocols and ciphers such as SSL 2.0, 3.0 and MD5
– Enable TLS 1.1 and 1.2
– Enable forward secrecy
– Reorder cipher suites
– Built in Best Practices, PCI, PCI 3.1 and FIPS 140-2 templates
– Site scanner to test your configuration
– Command line version


Mobile security is more important than ever!!!

The most used device these days is a mobile phone. Malware/Spyware/Hacking is everywhere, anytime,anywhere See: Update: Lookout re-airing on 60 Minutes

Some latest news about Mobile Security Alerts:

Hundreds of millions of devices potentially affected by first major iOS malware outbreak

Lookout discovers new trojanized adware; 20K popular apps caught in the crossfire

Soo what can you do about it:

Install Security app on your device: So i installed the free version of lookout on my phone.


It works great so far: Testing it.

Free ebook: Deploying Windows 10: Automating deployment by using System Center Configuration Manager

We’re happy to announce the release of our newest free ebook, Deploying Windows 10: Automating deployment by using System Center Configuration Manager (ISBN 9781509301867), by Andre Della Monica, Russ Rimmerman, Alessandro Cesarini, and Victor Silveira.


This ebook is also available for download at the Microsoft Virtual Academy (MVA).

Get a head start deploying Windows 10—with tips and best practices from experts in the field. This guide shows you how to deploy Windows 10 in an automated way without impacting end users by leveraging System Center Configuration Manager, which is the most used product to deploy Microsoft operating systems in the industry today.

Beta Exam 345: Designing and Deploying Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 NOW AVAILABLE

Are you an expert in designing and managing Exchange Server? Are you responsible for the Exchange Server 2016 messaging environment in an enterprise environment? If so, here’s your chance to start down the path to the MCSE certification for free AND help us improve the quality of this exam!

We are opening up 350 beta seats for this beta exam (exam number: 70-345)… This means you can take the exam for free!! BUT… the seats are limited to first come, first served basis–so, register today (these codes will only work through February 12, 2016, meaning you have to register AND take the exam on or before that date)–and we need you take the exam as soon as possible so we can leverage your comments, feedback, and exam data in our evaluation of the quality of the questions. The sooner you take the exam, the more likely it is that we will be able to use your feedback to make improvements to the exam. This is your chance to have a voice in the questions we include on the exam when it goes live. 

To prepare for the exam, review our prep guide and practice the skills listed: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/learning/exam-70-345.aspx. To prepare for this beta exam, check out my recent blog for ideas: https://borntolearn.mslearn.net/b/weblog/archive/2015/12/31/just-how-does-one-prepare-for-beta-exams-without-preparation-materials.

***Register for the exam at the same site and use code EXCH2016010B to take it for free, but these codes are only valid for exam dates on or before Feb. 12, 2016. Remember: There are a limited amount of spots, so when they’re gone, they’re gone. You should also be aware that there are some country limitations where the beta code will not work (e.g., Turkey, Pakistan, India, China, Vietnam); you will not be able to take the beta exam for free in those countries.

Also, keep in mind that this exam is in beta, which means that you will not be scored immediately. You will receive your final score and passing status once the exam is live.

Well…what are you waiting for? Register before all the seats are gone!


Kemp LoadMaster for Free Awesome!! A Free Load Balancer for Any Workload

KEMP gives away the LoadMaster for free. Now the virtual appliance is available in a free edition too. Available for all supported hypervisors (VMware, Hyper-V, enz).

The free VLM has some limitations, for instance the HA setup with an active and hot stand-by unit is not supported. Another important limitation is that the free LoadMaster doesn’t come with the awesome support paying customers receive. Also there are some bandwidth and SSL TPS limitations, all in all not much special for most home, lab, testing and other non-production deployments.

    The Free LoadMaster Includes:

  • Layer 4/7 load balancing
  • Content switching
  • Caching, compression engine
  • MS Exchange 2010/2013 optimized Smile
  • Pre-configured virtual service templates Smile
  • IPS engine
  • High Availability
  • Edge Security Pack (ESP) – a Microsoft TMG replacement Smile
  • GSLB multi-site load balancing
  • RESTful API

Exchange 2013 Managed Availabilty and why do I need 200GB free space

I  like the Managed Availability and the “self healing” aspect of Exchange 2013.
But about SpaceMonitorLowSpaceThresholdInMB is nothing about to read. 

If you check your serverhealt with:
get-serverhealth -identity servername -HealthSet Diskspace | ? AlertValue -ne unHealthy | ft -autosize

You can get lots of Databases which are in an unhealthy state because the LowLogVolumeSpaceMonitor is configured to check if you have 200 GB of free space. That would be an great idea, if you have a large organization and you have lots of disks whith a huge amount of free space. But in smaller company it would be great to change this value.

With Exchange 2013 SP1 you should now be able to configure this. Go to all of your Mailbox Servers and in regedit go to the following path:


If you have an DWORD called SpaceMonitorLowSpaceThresholdInMB then you’re lucky. If not, create a DWORD with the name and then you can change it to an Value which suits you more. But, as the dword is mentioning, its in MB not GB 😉

Updated 15-03-2015

No Reg Setting but Add-GlobalMonitoringOverride is better!!

write-host = “Default 175GB CU7”
$diskspace = Read-Host ‘What is the Minimum Free Disk Space in MB?’
Add-GlobalMonitoringOverride -Item Monitor –Identity MailboxSpace\StorageLogicalDriveSpaceMonitor -PropertyName MonitoringThreshold -PropertyValue $diskspace

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