Recover an Exchange 2010 SP1 Server

Recover a Lost Exchange Server

1. Install the proper operating system and name the new server with the same name as the lost server. Recovery won’t succeed if the server on which recovery is being performed doesn’t have the same name as the lost server.

2. Join the server to the same domain as the lost server.

3. Install the following 2008 R2 HotFixes

The following hotfixes are required for the Client Access server for Windows Server 2008 R2:

4. Set-Service NetTcpPortSharing -StartupType Automatic

5. RUN –> E:\ /m:recoverserver /InstallWindowsComponents



Exchange 2010 Client Access Throttling

Windows 2008 R2 – Exchange 2010 RTM 
Later  I installed SP1 & Rollup 2 for SP1

Outlook 2003 Service Pack 3 Clients
During normal working hours users randomly was unable to access their mailboxes when they launched their Outlook client.

The users were receiving the following Outlook message:
Outlook error

“Unable to open your default e-mail folders. The Microsoft Exchange Server computer is not available. Either there are network problems or the Microsoft Exchange Server computer is down for maintenance.”
It was also reported that some users had issues expanding additional mailboxes. (Delegate Mailboxes )
The following Outlook message appeared.

set of folders

Or users have issues opening Shared Calendars.


With Get-ThrottlingPolicy you can see the value of RCAMaxConcurrency

(Exchange 2010 RTM default value 20) (Exchange 2010 SP1 default value 214748364)

I changed RCAMaxConcurrency to 214748364 and the problem is fixt:

Get-ThrottlingPolicy | set-ThrottlingPolicy -RCAMaxConcurrency 214748364

Rollup 2 for Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 1

Today the Exchange Team released Rollup 2 for Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 1 (KB2425179). This update raises Exchange 2010 version number to

If your upgrading from Exchange 2007 you need to implement this rollup because the bug Exchange 2007 OWA redirect bug with Exchange 2010 sp1 is fixed check: kb2458419

The List with Fixes:

983186 The mailbox alias of a user contains the "?" character unexpectedly after you run the "Enable-Mailbox" cmdlet to create a mailbox for the user in an Exchange Server 2010 environment

2295902 An excepted occurrence is not excluded from a recurring iCalendar message for an Exchange Server 2010 mailbox user

2385017 You cannot edit public folder items even though you are the owner of the items in an Exchange Server 2010 environment

2385194 You cannot connect to an Exchange Server 2010 mailbox by using a MAPI application when a Mailbox server and a Client Access server are installed on different computers

2397171 You cannot reply or forward a large email message on an Exchange Server 2010 mailbox

2403783 An incorrect label is displayed in the date field in a public folder item when you open the item by using OWA in an Exchange Server 2010 environment

2408924 The subject of an item is deleted when you use the "UploadItems" operation together with the "Update" action or the "UpdateOrCreate" action in an Exchange Server 2010 environment

2409597 You cannot open a public folder item when the default public folder database for the mailbox database is unavailable in an Exchange Server 2010 environment

2423776 The Exchange Information Store service crashes frequently during a public folder replication process on an Exchange Server 2010 public folder

2431500 You cannot connect to an Exchange Server 2010 mailbox simultaneously by using Outlook Anywhere from several Windows XP-based computers

2433642 The "FETCH (BODYSTRUCTURE)" command returns a corrupted file name of an email message attachment on an Exchange Server 2010 computer

2452075 You cannot connect to mailboxes in a recovery database on a server after you install Exchange Server 2010 SP1

2458005  The Exchange Mailbox Replication service crashes when you use the "New-MailboxImportRequest" command to import a PST file to an Exchange Server 2010 mailbox

2458419 "A temporary change has occurred that requires you to connect to a different server" error message when Exchange Server 2007 mailbox users try to access their mailboxes by using an Exchange Server 2010 Client Access server

2322161 The replay queue length on passive copies of mailbox databases in Database Availability Group continues to increase in an Exchange Server 2010 environment

982004 Exchange Server 2010 users cannot access the public folder

983492 You cannot view updated content of an Exchange Server 2010 public folder

983549 Exchange Server 2010 removes the sender’s email address from the recipient list in a redirected email message

Download the Hotfix HERE

After installing Rollup 1 for Exchange 2007 SP3 IMAP is now serving most text/plain parts as text/html

After installing Rollup 1 for Exchange 2007 SP3 IMAP is now serving most text/plain parts as text/html instead. I had some issue with a simple mail import tool that now imported all mail with html codes.

Before the rollup 1 they were previously multipart/alternative messages with both text/plain and text/html subparts.

You can set in through in the GUI or using Powershell to set the value to 0 text only

0:Text Only
1:HTML Only
2:HTML and Alternative Text
3:Enriched Text Only
4:Enriched Text and Alternative Text
5:Best Body Format

Exchange Management Console:

  1. In the console tree, expand Server Configuration, and then click Client Access.

  2. In the work pane, click the POP3 and IMAP4 tab.

  3. In the work pane, select IMAP4 and then, in the result pane, click Properties.

  4. On the IMAP4 Properties page, click the Retrieval Settings tab.

  5. In the Message Retrieval pane, select a message format from the drop-down list under Message MIME format. I choies for 0

  6. Click Apply, and then click OK to save your changes.


Set-CASMailbox -Identity yourcasserverhere -PopMessagesRetrievalMimeFormat 0

MAPI or an unspecified service provider. ID no: 00000000-0000-00000000

When you want to import a mailbox you get some times the following error:

MAPI or an unspecified service provider. ID no: 00000000-0000-00000000

Solution is very easy: Give yoursell full access rights to a mailbox Smile

Add-MailboxPermission -identity "user" -Accessrights FULLACCESS -User "yourusername"

Exchange 2010 PST Import

Mailbox Import Role

When you want to import some pst’s you need some rights from doing this. This is a one time setting.

New-ManagementRoleAssignment ?Role ?Mailbox Import Export? ?User Administrator

Name                           Role              RoleAssigneeName  RoleAssigneeType  AssignmentMethod  EffectiveUserName

—-                           —-              —————-  —————-  —————-  —————-

Mailbox Import Export-Admin… Mailbox Import… Administrator     User              Direc

Set Mailbox Language

Set-MailboxRegionalConfiguration -Identity ward -Language nl-nl -DateFormat "dd-mm-yyyy

If you want this for multiple mailboxes you case the following script

$a=get-Mailbox *
$a | Set-MailboxRegionalConfiguration -language nl-nl -DateFormat "dd-mm-yyyy

Import a mailbox

New-MailboxImportRequest -Mailbox ward -FilePath \\win701\c$\ward.pst

Remove  newmailimportRequest

Get-MailboxImportRequest -Status Completed | Remove-MailboxImportRequest


Get-MailboxImportRequest | Get-MailboxImportRequestStatistics | ft TargetAlias,Percent*,BytesTransferred*

Multiple Mailboxes at the same time

Dir \\win701\c$\Exmerge-PSTS\*.pst | %{

    New-MailboxImportRequest ?Name ImportOfPst ?BatchName ImportPstFiles `

        ?Mailbox $_.BaseName ?FilePath $_.FullName


Exchange 2010 & Outlook 2010 Automatically Shared Mailboxes

When you set full access permissions with the Exchange 2010 management console on a mailbox,the user which has be giving full access right now there will filed a new property.

The property is MSExchDelegateListLink. You can check it with adsiedit.

When you open now Outlook 2010 you can now see that Wardtest is automatilly Added


And additional mailboxes is empty

When you migrating from Exchange 2007 to Exchange 2010 and upgraded the Clients to Outlook 2010
Use dis script to set the MSExchDelegateListLink object automatically. Test I first. It’s your own risk.

$a=get-MailboxPermission * | where {$_.IsInherited –eq $False –and $_.accessrights –eq “FullAccess”}
$a | remove-MailboxPermission –confirm:$false
$a | add-MailboxPermission

Save the scripts to MSExchDelegateListLink.ps1

It works great Open-mouthed smile

Advanced Deployment Scenarios using the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2010

I was attended on twitter on the following video’s. I watch some of them. They are really interesting Open-mouthed smile

The Vid’s
TechNet Video: Advanced Deployment Scenarios using the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2010: (Part 1 of 7)Reviewing the Available Options in the Deployment Workbench

TechNet Video: Advanced Deployment Scenarios using the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2010: (Part 2 of 7)Create and Explore the Configuration Database

TechNet Video: Advanced Deployment Scenarios using the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2010: (Part 3 of 7)Configuring Role Methods in the Configuration Database

TechNet Video: Advanced Deployment Scenarios using the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2010: (Part 4 of 7)Configuring Other Methods in the Configuration Database

TechNet Video: Advanced Deployment Scenarios using the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2010: (Part 5 of 7)Configuring the Deployment Point to Use the Configuration Database

TechNet Video: Advanced Deployment Scenarios using the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2010: (Part 6 of 7)Using Linked Deployment Points

TechNet Video: Advanced Deployment Scenarios using the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2010: (Part 7 of 7)Custom Edit the Deployment Wizard to Add a New Page

Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Best Practices Covers SP1

Exchange 2010 Best Practices

If your are an Exchange Admin I can recommend the following book Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Best Practices. It covers SP1. It  contains the following Chapters.

Part I  Preparing for Exchange Server 2010

Chapter 1: Introducing Exchange Server 2010

Chapter 2: Exchange Deployment Projects

Chapter 3: Exchange Environmental Considerations

Part II  Designing Exchange Server 2010

Chapter 4: Client Access in Exchange 2010

Chapter 5: Routing and Transporting

Chapter 6: Mailbox Services

Chapter 7: Edge Transport and Messaging Security

Chapter 8: Automated Message Processing, Compliance, and Archiving

Chapter 9: Unified Messaging

Chapter 10: Federated Delegation

Chapter 11: Designing High Availability

Chapter 12: Backup, Restore, and Disaster Recovery

Chapter 13: Hardware Planning for Exchange Server 2010

Part III  Upgrading to Exchange Server 2010

Chapter 14: Upgrading from Exchange Server 2003 and Exchange Server 2007

Part IV  Deploying and Managing Exchange Server 2010

Chapter 15: Preparing for a Deploying Exchange Server 2010

Chapter 16: Managing Exchange

Chapter 17: Operating and Troubleshooting Exchange Server 2010

This book is also not a preparation guide for Exam 70-662: TS: Microsoft Exchange Server 2010, Configuring, or Exam 70-663: Pro: Designing and Deploying Messaging Solutions with Microsoft Exchange Server 2010, even though when you apply the knowledge and experience covered in this book, it will help you to pass these exams.

Rollup 1 for Exchange Server 2010 SP1

Microsoft released Rollup 1 for Exchange Server 2010 SP1 that fixes the following things.

2028967 Event ID 3022 is logged and you still cannot replicate a public folder from one Exchange Server 2010 server to another

2251610 The email address of a user is updated unexpectedly after you run the Update-Recipient cmdlet on an Exchange Server 2010 server

978292  An IMAP4 client cannot send an email message that has a large attachment in a mixed Exchange Server 2010 and Exchange Server 2003 environment

982004 Exchange Server 2010 users cannot access the public folder

983549 Exchange Server 2010 removes the sender’s email address from the recipient list in a redirected email message

983492 You cannot view updated content of an Exchange Server 2010 public folder

Download Rollup 1 for Exchange Server 2010 SP1 HERE

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